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Your skin balances oil and water to stay healthy. Dehydration is a temporary lack of water in the skin that can lead to rough or dull patches.

Your Guide to


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Your skin balances oil and water to stay healthy.
Dehydration is a temporary lack of water in the skin
that can lead to rough or dull patches.

Why It Happens

Everything from makeup, diet, weather, and age can affect how much moisture your skin produces and retains.

Why It Happens

Everything from makeup, diet, weather, and age can affect how much moisture your skin produces and retains.


Incorporate A Hydrating Mist

It helps your moisturizer and serum penetrate deeper and work harder.

Product Recommendation:

Naturopathica Lavender Honey Balancing Mist


Lock in Water with Facial Oil

Use a few drops of a facial oil after your moisturizer to seal in water and prevent moisture loss.


Use A Hydrating, Gel-Based Mask

Gel-based masks flood the skin with water. Overnight sheet masks are great for thirsty skin, too.

Product Recommendation:

Alchimie Forever Kantic Brightening Moisture Mask


Your skin can produce oil, but it can’t produce water. When your skin is dehydrated, it overproduces oil to make up for the lack of water.

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